Pure Haven

What is Pure Haven?
Based in Rhode Island, Pure Haven is the leading manufacturer of guaranteed toxin-free products. We source ingredients, formulate, and manufacture more than 95% of our products in our own USDA Certified Organic facility. We created Pure Protect, the world’s first non toxic preservation system, to ensure that the preservatives we use to maintain shelf life do not impact safety. Controlling the entire manufacturing process is key to what makes us different, so we can ensure the safety of our products for you and your family.

The Mission:
Pure Haven’s mission is to educate consumers about current health risks in personal care and home products and provide completely safe, effective, non toxic product alternatives, and in so doing, empower thousands of independent Consultants across the country with meaningful businesses.

Circa 2016- When I use to be a consultant

Why we love Pure Haven?
I first discovered these amazing nontoxic products when I was pregnant with Leo, our third son. I quickly became a consultant for a time and loved it, but when I started LuLaRoe it became hard with a newborn baby and managing the household that being a consultant for Pure Haven fell on the back burner. I did and still do continue to use their products- especially their skin care line!

Since Adonis has reached his teens years, he started using their skin care line too. When I became a mom, I learned more and more about harmful ingredients in products we use daily and I became more and more conscious of what we use. When I discovered these nontoxic products, I immediately felt a sense of relief!

As the boys are getting older I am teaching them so much about the world around them, their health, and how important it is to take care of it. Now that we are relaunching, I felt it was the perfect opportunity to become a Pure Haven partner and teach my boys the importance of their mission. 

So if you would like to learn more about Pure Haven Products, stay tuned because we will be having monthly virtual gatherings on facebook where we will share more in-depth about Pure Haven, our favorites products, and answer questions. In the mean time you can take a look here on our website- https://purehaven.com/amywebster/

Mama Webster