Why I started selling LuLaRoe?

Hey there I am back again! Before I dive into why I started my LuLaRoe business 4.5yrs ago, I want to share a fundraiser update! So far we have raised $2,940 as of this morning! Absolutely incredible- that's 14 Biofeedback Sessions paid out of the 20 sessions our sweet boy needs for his PANDAS and PANS treatment. We are so incredibly grateful and could not have done this without the love and support our community has shown us. 

If you had told me 4.5yrs ago when I first joined LLR that I would be writing to you about our son's fundraiser and how we have raised 72% of our fundraiser goal in a matter of 5 days because of our LuLaRoe community I would not have believed you! When I first joined LuLaRoe I went in with a dream I've had before having kids. I dreamt of owning my own boutique!

As I've shared before I modeled for a few years, and went to college for Fashion design and merchandising. I learned pretty quickly in my first semester of school that sewing was just not my forté, but merchandising was. I fell in love with styling and visual merchandising. My first retail job was a Thrift Shop when I was 16, and I loved making displays and styling the mannequins, but at the time I really thought I was going to be a fashion designer. College help solidify my love for instore displays and learning about buying merchandise, and the psychology behind why people shop. I found it fascinating! 

Then being a mom happened and I had to put my dreams on hold for a bit, but I did long for getting back to work. By the time our Luca was 15 months old, I happened to bump into an old college friend who recommended me a Visual Merchandising position at Tommy Bahama. I got the job and loved it! I worked there for about a year and half until Adonis our oldest son was about to start kindergarten. My work hours were conflicting with a new school schedule and I had to leave. I was bummed, but being a mom first was what I needed to do. Shortly after I became pregnant with Leo, and it was a tough pregnancy physically and mentally. I battled with anxiety and depression. I wanted to keep myself busy.

I joined an organic beauty and body direct sales line and that opened a whole world of direct sales companies. I was having fun going to vendor fairs and doing parties, but I knew it wasn't my life dream to do. Then LuLaRoe came into my world. I was curious and wanted to learn what it was all about. Like you mean to tell me I can ordered inventory of styles I want to carry, style and sell to people in person, all straight from my home and/or doing parties and I can still be home with my kids! Sign me up! It took some heavy convincing to my husband at the time because at the time it was huge investment, but we did it! 

The last 4.5yrs LuLaRoe and myself have evolved so much. Now I will say it hasn't always been all rainbows and sunshine, but my passion for styling and merchandising still burns today as it did when I was in college. Because of the LuLaRoe opportunity I have gained genuine friendships through my clients and my fellow LuLaRoe retailer sisters. Seeing the confidence of my clients when they show off their favorite LuLaRoe outfits I helped them put together brings me so much joy and reminds me why I continue to do what I do. I, too, have a found confidence in myself that I never thought was possible. Being a business owner isn't for the faint of heart, and it isn't easy when there's negative stigma against direct sales and multilevel marketing. I have control in managing my inventory, I'm in control of marketing and merchandising, store policies and logistics, and when you shop with me you are supporting me and my family. Not a corporation. 

Thank you for stopping by my corner! Stay tuned for next week, I will be sharing my top five favorite styles for Spring!


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