The Start.

Life and style with mama

I can't believe I'm going to admit this, but I am nervous!

Starting something new is always nerve wracking right? BUT blogging isn't new for me. I actually use to blog 12 years ago- okay wow it's been that long?! Holy moly it just hit me. Anyhow, yes I am nervous, even though I had a blog before, it's like learning how to ride a bike again. My first blog, I started off documenting my pregnancy, being a new mama, then it quickly transitioned to life as a single mom, then meeting my now husband and documenting my second pregnancy. Soon after Luca (my second son) was born I blogged less and less until I just stopped. It wasn't intentional at all, I had taken on my first full time job that was super demanding and documenting life in a blog took a back seat. 

Writing was therapy for me, during highs and lows of my life, and I honestly miss it. Now here I am running a business in the middle of pandemic while also remote learning with 3 kids- one not being my own. The last several months I struggled a lot. With thought and prayer I realized I needed my therapy back- blogging. My hopes with this Blog is to not only share my journey as a business owner, but also share my passion for fashion as well as my favorite styling tips, and also inspire body positivity. I commit to being honest and sharing here weekly mainly on Wednesdays, but hope to add on 1-2 more posts a week in the near feature.

Thank you for stopping by to my little corner of the internet. I hope you bookmark and come back 😉


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