My Baby is 13 😩

Dear Adonis,

Today is your birthday and on this day 13 years ago, I held you in my arms for the very first time and became a mom-- your Mama.

At the time, I didn’t put it in perspective, but looking back now, I was still a baby myself, but even then I knew that I was meant to be a mom. You are a blessing Adonis.

The first year of your life, it was you and I against the world. Then I met your Papa and it became the three of us. By 2+ years old you became a big brother! It was a lot of change, and while there was times of struggle, I knew God had a plan for you and I.

The minute you were born, I knew I wanted to give you everything I didn’t have growing up. I didn’t want you to grow up in a broken home. I wanted to make sure you would thrive. Unfortunately I had to make some hard decisions, but they led us to where we are today, and I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

Watching you grow the last 13 years was nothing short of incredible and I do not take that time for granted. You are so creative, passionate on the things you like, you’ve shown me the different ways to love, and boy you can be so funny with your one liners, even if you don’t intend it to be.

Now your voice is getting deeper, you are almost as tall as me. As your chapter of boyhood is coming to an end and your chapter of manhood is just beginning, please just remember you will always be my baby.

Papa and I love you so very much. Happy Birthday, Adonis, and cheers to many more birthdays!


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