Have you thanked your body today?

Since I've started practicing positive affirmations daily, I have also been practicing loving my body more as I mentioned in my previous blog post. Loving your body is apart of loving yourself. This last year has been tough mentally and physically for a lot of us, so first may I say you are doing a great job powering through. 

Speaking for myself, I know I have indulged in my cravings, emotionally ate, and I have no regrets. I have stopped listening to all the diet nonsense, and started listening to not only my body but my mental well being. So yes while I have gained and loss and gained a few pounds here and there I know it's all party of my journey. 

Every time I get out of the shower, get dressed, get ready for bed, and wake up in the morning I see it as an opportunity to thank my body. I thank my body for carrying me through each day. I thank my body for allowing me to enjoy food. I thank my body for growing and nourishing my three most greatest blessings. I thank my body for looking so damn fine in my clothes, even without clothes too. 

I look back at old photos and see and thank the journey my body has gone. Each stretch mark and scar are reminders of the strength my body has, and I thank and love every part of it. 

So start today, thank your body and all the amazing things it's doing! XOXO

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