It's been awhile...

Wow! Isn't it crazy how time can just pass on and things you intended to do just stay back and quickly are forgotten about?

Now, I personally didn't forget about this blog, but it was put on the back burner. There has been times that I begin to write and then just didn't feel mentally all there to finish it or comfortable putting myself fully out there just yet. I feel like I've aged a decade in the last 2yrs honestly, just so much has happened, so let me just dive in and share. 

For starters I got bangs! Haha, that's not all though...

The Mama Webster Boutique is still here, and I will be celebrating 6 years in business in a few weeks!! I still can't believe it!! 

Now within the last year, I have a taken a little bit of a step back from my business, although some outsiders looking in may not have noticed that I have, but my family certainly has.

If I have learned anything from this pandemic is that it has really humbled me when it came to going after my goals. There was a time that I lost sight the ultimate reason why I decided to start my own business in the first place. I have strived so much to go after the awards and recognition, that I sacrificed a lot of my time away from my family and my friends. I was living to work rather working to live.

I initially left the corporate 9-5 so I can have my freedom and focus on my family, but when my ambition got in the way...did I really have that freedom? In a sense not really. I was working from the time I got up to the time I went to bed most days, so I can reach my goal. I gave up my weekends to work 2-3 events, I traveled a lot, leaving my babies because I felt I had to work. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it all, but I look back at pictures of my last baby, and I feel like I robbed him from that time with me because of my ambition. 

So when the world shut down in March of 2020, and we had to be home, I had to take a break from events, I had to pivot my business to be online, and on top of that do remote learning for almost a year. It was quite the experience that's for sure, but I also had quite a bit of time to reevaluate myself mentally, physically, and spiritually as well as reevaluate why I have this small business of mine in the first place.

I truly love what I do, helping women find themselves again and gaining their confidence through fashion! Seeing my clients post pictures in their fabulous outfits in our community group over on Facebook, will always bring a smile to my face. The joy on my clients' face when they step out of the dressing room in my shop will truly never get old. But I also love my time with my family, love being able to see my boys grow, and making memories, and I clearly struggled with balancing both. Is there truly a way to balance both though? Yes but slow and steady. I was racing a race that I had no business being in. I was stuck comparing myself to others and letting people around me compare myself to others. It was toxic, and was truly affecting me mentally. I don't need to earn a free trip or be recognized for awards after sacrificing my time away from my family and friends. I want to earn those things after serving my community and my family. I know now, it's not a race. I can balance serving my fellow community with body positivity, styling, and cute clothes while also serving my family emotionally, physically, and financially. My husband who also started a business of his own this past year, and has always supported me, and it feels so good that I can do the same for him.

When I was crashing mentally and physically from burning the candle at both ends I couldn't serve my community nor my family adequately, but once I recognized that something needed to give- change. I can serve both, and I have.

Ten months ago, we made the decision to homeschool. It started with our middle son, Luca, then by march Leo joined, and by the end of April, I was homeschooling all three boys. It has been quite the

journey, and we are still homeschooling throughout the summer (I intend to do school year round). I LOVE IT and so do they! I love it as much as I love running this small business of mine. Is there a perfect balance between the two? Not really, but I no longer feel pressure. Pressure to go after the awards and the free vacations. I strive only to serve my community, my family, and myself spiritually. 

I have always been a Christian but there was a time in my life that I lost my way, and even when I did find my way back, I wasn't 100% putting God first in my life. I am ready to accept God fully back into my life. We as a family have found a church closer to home and we truly love it. The boys are excited to go to church Sunday mornings, and the boys also enjoy bible devotional time here at home, which I have incorporated into our homeschool lessons. I love that I can teach them to have a healthy relationship with God while also reigniting my relationship with God.

In life, we have to learn to pivot, adjust, and humble ourselves. I don't strive for perfection anymore, I strive to serve in the best way I know and can. I accept that there will be times I will make mistakes, and there will be highs and lows in running a business, homeschooling, being a mom, running a household, and being wife, but I wouldn't I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

Until next my friends, hopefully it won't be too long until my next post! 
Mama Webster

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